Undeniable - stories from the negro leagues
This Webby Award winning animated series was produced in partnership with production company “Invisible Collective,” animation studio “Martian Blueberry,” and the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum. Narrated by museum President, Bob Kendrick, this three-part animated series explores the stories of Jackie Robinson and Monte Irving, the women who played in the negro leagues, and the international impact the Negro Leagues had on baseball.
Brand: MLB
Agency: Invisible Collective, Martian Blueberry
Role: Executive Producer, Creative Development
Results: 105M Impressions, 9.1M Views, 87.7M Reach across social with 83.9% positive sentiment, 57% of viewers were under 25, Earned Media from 23 publications.
Webby Winner - Video, Animation (Series & Channels)
Clio Sports Silver - Film, Mixed Campaign
Clio Sports Bronze - Branded Content, Film
Clio Sports Bronze - Branded Content, Diversity in Storytelling